
See the projects below for demonstrations of my technical skills. I primarily use Stata for my academic work, but I am expanding my skillset to include python and python data science packages including pandas, numpy, sci-kit learn, and matplotlib.


Natural Language Processing on Federal Reserve Speeches

Work In Progress

For my honors thesis in mathematical economics, I am applying natural language processing techniques including topic modeling and sentiment analysis on Federal Reserve Speeches.

OpenPowerlifting: Exploratory Data Analysis

In this project, I use python, pandas, and matplotlib to explore several variables included in the OpenPowerlifting dataset. This includes using data transformations, aggregations, and visualizations to better understand the dataset.

News Headline Classification: Naive Bayes

I explore natural language processing techniques to classify news headlines as one of four categories, using NLTK and Sci-kit Learn. After training the model, I evaulate its performance using a confusion matrix.